《不了·鳥之 》這個展覽的命名,除了因為「了」和「鳥」的諧音與是次展出有關以「鳥」為題材的水墨作品外,也暗示了藝術家創作的題材以及當前面對的處境和所身處的階段。
Not only does the exhibition title of “Buliao Niaozhi” come from the similar pronunciations of “liao” (了) and “niao” (鳥) that suggest the featuring of ink works on the theme of “birds”, it also implies a situation I am dealing with and a phase I am going through.
The Chinese phrase “buliao liao zhi” means that a matter is brought to an unseemly end. To put it bluntly, the matter is left unsettled. This is an embarrassing situation for many people. Presumably they do not want to face their problems or they are incapable of coming to grips with the current situation so they simply leave the problems as they are before they feel confident enough and are able enough to handle them.
For artists, art creation is like a quesiton yet to be answered, which is always characterised by confusion and ambiguity. They might think the artistic directions, subject matters and techniques they choose can serve them well today while tomorrow they might vehemently reject them. They do not want to confine themselves to certain areas but can get tired in search of purposes. I am going through an embarrassing phase, during which I know clearly that there is no way I can get myself out of the situation now. Yet, perhaps there is no need to actually tackle the problem. I just leave it as it is and follow wherever the path of inspiration leads. This is probably a more honest option than rummaging around for a seemingly suitable answer.
Not only does the exhibition title of “Buliao Niaozhi” come from the similar pronunciations of “liao” (了) and “niao” (鳥) that suggest the featuring of ink works on the theme of “birds”, it also implies a situation I am dealing with and a phase I am going through.
The Chinese phrase “buliao liao zhi” means that a matter is brought to an unseemly end. To put it bluntly, the matter is left unsettled. This is an embarrassing situation for many people. Presumably they do not want to face their problems or they are incapable of coming to grips with the current situation so they simply leave the problems as they are before they feel confident enough and are able enough to handle them.
For artists, art creation is like a quesiton yet to be answered, which is always characterised by confusion and ambiguity. They might think the artistic directions, subject matters and techniques they choose can serve them well today while tomorrow they might vehemently reject them. They do not want to confine themselves to certain areas but can get tired in search of purposes. I am going through an embarrassing phase, during which I know clearly that there is no way I can get myself out of the situation now. Yet, perhaps there is no need to actually tackle the problem. I just leave it as it is and follow wherever the path of inspiration leads. This is probably a more honest option than rummaging around for a seemingly suitable answer.